Saturday 8 December 2012

old friend

smalam aq pegi org khwn, and yeahh ofkoss jumpa kwn lama, kira bestfriend la jga
ari ne punn jmpa lg , memeyh ahh dh nma nya satu kmpung, kmpomm akn jumpa,
 apa yg aq mw crta ne ialah, 
it's really2 awkward bila kta jumpa org yg dh lma kta x ckp sma2, serious
mcm tu la aq smalam, 
dalam lagu video di ats ne
"old friend, why are u so shy??"
lirik lagu ne spattnya untk dia , tapii
aq yg la pla yg kna, luckily dia yg terlebih mesra alam
and aq punn ikt laa rntak dia,then our conversation like usual
syukurrrrrrrr, *lega :0
serious aq rinduuuuuuuu kwn sklh rndh aq,sangt2
dh laa aq sorang ja yg terpisah dri dorang
forever alone ka pla??
sbb aq dpt twrn sklh g labuan, and yg lain dpt sklh yg sma,
tell me, sapa x sdeh pisah dri kwn2 yg dh skola hmpir 7 years together since pre-school
but now, bila jumpa cuma senyum and say hye, xtw nakk ckp apa!
thats me, kamuu x taw palk aq :) hehee
bila pkr balik, rsa mnyesal aq msuk skola tu
butt when i think twice again and again, aq beruntung la jga
sbb ne untk msa dpn aq gakk,
ohh yaa, msa kami crta2 tu, she say
sgt takut SPM next year, and want to be more serious for the good result
ofkoss aq rsa tercabar la, haha
ntah la, when i want to be more serious haa!

i hope we will get straight A for the SPM next year, come on, we can do it, right???
saya sayannnng kawan saya!! <3

Ailee-show u

-Please Don't-

by ariezsz Zau

1 comment:

  1. best...!!hihi..jom join segmen Eyz
