Friday 30 November 2012

malas !

waa sungguh berhabuk blog aq ne!
gila lama xupdate!!
 well , today aq sangat2 la malas smpai 1 kerja rmh pn aq 
x sentuh,
malahan aq baring2 dpn tv dari pagi smpai la ptg!
huu , blh meletopp tv klu mcm ne
pnya la malas smpai majlis akad nikah jiran aq pn aq xpegi.
*adala tu sbb2 yg x diketahui.
dan aq kena marah!

x percaya pula hari ne da 29 Nov
kita bakal msk bln december maghrib ne
*ikt kalender islam la ktakn :)
and my homework blom siap semuanya!
i'm dead!
*jerit sekuat ati
rsa menyesal pla x siapkn awal2 
haish knpa la aq mcm ne!
byk betul setan di aruond me!
*go away!

kbaii ,i'm out
time to kms rmh!
as-salam :)

by ariezsz Zau

Monday 26 November 2012


wahh, lama gila x update blog ne
bersarang labah-labah suda!
malasssss sungguh!!
what happen to me :(

yesterday, i have a big fight with my brother
bkn yg elder tuu
yg no 3!
haaa , adlh hal kcl pnya psl trus kmi gduh
and then after i scold him
i cried and really-really menyesal psl kami bergaduh
tpi org len x prasan laa aq nangis
we never like this be4
klu gaduh pn biasa2 sja.
aq pn pegi laa mencemar duli minta maap dkt dia
but, not face to face
aq anta xmx dkt dia
but x kna reply
huuuuuuuuuuu , hopefully
dia trima!

seriouslyyyyy ,
adq aq yg satu ne sgt-sgt laa keras hati , degil & xmau dgr ckp org lain
yg pntg nya ssh mau ngaku kslhn sndri!
ohh please u will change one day
cause i really sayang my brother ! <3

yaaaa , HOMEWORK ,,
ohh gila , 3 mggu sda di rmh tapiii
blom jga siap2
pnya laaa mlas diri ini !!
nth2 my other fren msti sda siap!
mati la aq klu mcm ne
folio BM pn aq blom lg start
langsung satu pn blom lagi!
pnya laa , pdhal sblm cuti sklh arie tu
siap bwt jadual aktiviti lg tem cuti ne
hasilnya pn tiada!!

cma tggl bbrpa ari ja lg bln dec,
oleh itu, aq msti siapkn sblm msuk bln 12!

Fighting zau, u can do it !
ohhhh , homework , please be nice to me!

by ariezsz Zau

Sunday 18 November 2012

kekeke! sabo je la!

Nite :D
bru sja blik dri mjlis orang khwn
it's so borink :O
yeahh, i know malam ne majlis potong kek, bkn malam berinai
but the problem is : mmg kalu di sini akn ada bandboy yg ditempah ntah dri mna or 
just bergambus ataupun karaoke, n psti para muda - mudi akn menari ikut rentak lagu tu la
yang ini bandboy dya sgt la bidaaaa* i'm screaming now
ye laa dh la ada penari , sound nya lagi hancossssss
hish, mcm clubbing ja aq rsa,,

what ever laa
yg pntg i'm home now!!

ne lg satu crte ;)
pg tadi my sister n I went to putik sayur di kebun 
iaitu , sayur daun kelor ,
tau nda pa tu sayur daun kelor??
cmna mw ckap ahh??
aq x tau laa pa nama sbnar syur tu , yg pntg 
suma org sini panggil nma tu

ok , back to the story!
begini crta nya
masa kami tgh petik sayur tu,, da satu batangnya yg pling tinggi
& bnyk daun, so aq pun cruh laa adk aq 
kasi bengkok/ rendahkan btg dya tu
spya aq dpt ambk daun nya


batang kayu tu ptahhhhhh!!!
we terdiam & laugh kuat2
she : ka , mcm mna ne ka, nnti mama sma bapa mrh??
me : heee,, ala biar la tu dlu , nda kna mrah tu,
nnti tumbh tu yg bru !

then kami pun truskan la petik sayur & blik rmh


nda kna mrah pun 
my mom just said : hrmm , biarla tu :)
haa , nakk tau dakk sayur daun kelor tu mcm mna??
here u go :O
 kn dh patah!

ne pn sma!

panjang kann kayu tu :O

reader's , sengetkn laa kpla anda :D

ne pn sma , senget lagii skali

terbalikk pla dha,
ne la dya daun kelor :)

yang pntignya, kalu sayur ne d rebus dgn sayur daun manis
pergh, sedappp,,
it's not oily!
good for ur health
sekiannnn, wassalam
gud nite
n gud morning!

by ariezsz Zau

Saturday 17 November 2012

today, i wanna share some songs group yg aq mnat gilaaaa
hhaaaa,, that's it -INFINITE-
-Kim Sung Gyu-
b'coz mata nya SEPET 
i really love to see people that have mata sepet!!
it's cute
cantik kan ciptaan tuhan!
subhanallah :))
Now, let's watch it,
upps salah,, *looking it :D

by ariezsz Zau


i LOVE u my friends!!!


by ariezsz Zau

Wednesday 14 November 2012

maal hijrah :)

as-salam , well as all u kn0w,  me wanna wish selamat menyambut awal muharram to all muslimin and muslimat in this world
 maka di sini saya ingin menyeru kpd anda suma, let us double triple our work mncri pahala . inshaallah , we'll gain the harmony!!

enough the story, huuu , penat+migrain+wannascream
today, my blog like this

still under consrtuction ,
haiyaa , hate it!!
dunno what to do,
oh kpalaotakku dh nakk meletop keep thinking about it!
chill zau , keep fighting ,
ne la nmanya x bersyukor,x makan sayur,
da ada yg chanteks, gatal lg tangan tu mw ubah,,
well,, u kno me, x puas ati ,
mw lg lbih ,, haahaaha
bad attitude!!

but , credits to this people
mursyidah and le'pele
both of them helps me a lot in this belog
*a big applause  to them :)
tabik springggg ahhh coz their belog to me really beautifulll
wanna see, 
klik ahh link ne

kompemm kamu suka tgk :)))
*le'pele and shiro, kamu msti bangga kann ,

hrmmm, stakat ini ja yg aq mw citer! skadar nakk mwng-update this belog :]

by ariezsz Zau

Saturday 10 November 2012

jom story!

ohh yeahhh,,  now holiday dh mulaaa!! i'm screaming like crazy :OO  mmg siok laa cuti kali ne sbb kalau ditambah , tolak , bahagi and darab,, sumanya lebih kurg 7 weeks,, haha mmg enjoy habis laa!!
but always cuti pnjg msti ada ccb kena bagi,, aaaarrrggghh,, menyampah nya mw buat , nvrmind, whai insan yang bernama zauariah binti basir , cuti, cuti juga ,tapi jgn lupa study , sbb ko bakal menduduki big exam which is the most important in ur life! what de' serius juga ayat aq ne,, hahaha!!
haish,, merepek

sdeyh laa bila aq dpt result 62 blm batch. to me tu mmg sgt terok,, I got 3 A 1B 1C 2D 2G, suma gred ada, mmg cntk la!but yg pntgnya aq lulus 8math n fizik,, whoa 1'st time aq lulus subjek ne untk this year,,biology,, hrmm,,nthlaa nxt year mgkn bru lulus,, it's a promise! subjek bio,8math,fizik mmg musuh tradisi aq, killer betol la!
yaaaa,,, smlm aq tgk ranking aq dkt all SBP,, and the result, huuh, made me jumping,, bkn sbb happy, tapi sbb terkezut gila,, no aq 3945 per 4610 ,, haiya so bad la no ne! nth la, btl ka tdk no ne,, yg pntgnya mmg trok habis,,, sobs3x,,,

haaa,,, a lot of story want to share, but relax,,slowdown ok!

by ariezsz Zau